The pre-released play extracts for examination in May/June 2025 will be published on the support hub on 1st September 2024:
You need to know your administrative zone to download the correct plays:
Zone 3/4 is Paper 12
Zone 5/6 is Paper 13
Exam Structure
Extract 1 will be Section A (shorter questions adding up to 30 marks eg. 2/3/5/5/5/10)
Extract 2 will be Section B (longer questions of 10 and 15 marks - with a choice of two questions for the 15 mark one)
(Check Page 18 of the updated syllabus on the support hub to confirm.)
We offer three bundles for each IGCSE Drama Extract from the Pre-release material for 2024-25 (for Zones 3/4 and Zones 5/6 only).
Each bundle is a set of beautifully designed slides filled with practical activities to bring the play to life, followed by design tasks and written tasks that will help you to help your students to approach the play from all angles: as a director, designer, and performer (from a practical and written perspective).
There are sample answers for the writing tasks so your students can learn from good practice. We are refining the packs further this year to make them even more user friendly.
The bundles are as follows:
Bundle 1: Context Slides / Teaching Units 1, 2, 3
Bundle 2: Unit 4, 5, 6, 7
Bundle 3: Themes and Style, Characters, Exam Prep and Revision slides with sample answers, plus mock exams with mark schemes.
We will work on materials for publishing on these dates:
Section A
Free Intro Materials: 4 Sept 2024
Teaching Pack 1 (Play 1 / Section A): 15 Sept
Teaching Pack 2 (Play 1 / Section A): 29 Sept
Exam Pack (Play 1 / Section A): 13 Oct
Section B
Teaching Pack 1 (Play 2 / Section B): 10 Nov
Teaching Pack 2 (Play 2 / Section B): 24 Nov
Exam Pack (Play 2 / Section B): 08 Dec


Click on ppt icon to download

I can wholeheartedly endorse The Understudy’s resources to any centre studying the CIE IGCSE Drama course. These packs are a goldmine of information, practical approaches and exam technique to support students in their preparation for writing about set texts and devised pieces in the examination. The resources have saved us inventing lesson ideas from scratch when time is so pressured between the release of the texts and having to deliver them. As a teacher, you can easily change and adapt the resources to suit your cohort / style of teaching. We are now embarking on our third year’s set of text resources from The Understudy and wouldn’t be without them!!
(Emma, HSJ)
Jane and her team have produced another set of fantastic, innovative resources that make teaching Frankenstein an absolute joy! It is as if someone has taken a massive weight off my shoulders with planning and I can step into the classroom brimming with exciting ideas to bring the play to life and ultimately enthuse my students, giving them the tools to achieve highly in the written exam. Worth every penny and now with a student workbook!
(Samuel, WCS)
Once again as we start the academic year and focus on the pre release material, The Understudy swiftly generate a bundle of excellent digital (and editable) resources for each global zone on the set texts. Dropping in a free starter pack on Gothic literature to keep us going until the textual analysis begins, the current resource on Dracula is much appreciated and provides everything a new or experienced drama teacher needs.
(Jason, ISL)