Jane Fisher & Rachel Caine
We were lucky enough to work together for four years building a fantastic drama department in an international school in Asia, where we discovered that we love working together: we both have high standards, a sharp eye for design, and a love of making learning resources aesthetically appealing while making the processes accessible for teachers and students alike. We know that Drama teachers are always running in circles with shows and exam work and administration, and we have had such positive feedback on resources we have shared through various Facebook Drama groups that we decided that it was time to make these accessible to all and make a little creative business for ourselves as we are both 'between jobs' as a result of the pandemic.
Some of these resources are jazzed up versions of resources we used to get exceptional results in IB and IGCSE; some of them are resources we wish we had the time to develop when we were teaching full time. They are all things we wish we could have found for a fee online but as far as we know, they didn't exist.
We are not endorsed by any of the exam boards but we have taught all the curricula we offer resources for here and achieved outstanding results. (Our top scoring IBDP Theatre student got 99% last year and most of our class of 18 got Level 7s.) We also examine for IGCSE and IBDP between us so have insight into the assessment processes. We know many experienced teachers out there have their own wonderful resources but we see so many pleas for help on the Facebook groups from new teachers every year, so we wanted to share some of what has worked for us.